Carleton Optical is the exclusive UK supplier and servicing agent for the Bon CBM Vega X-link crosslinking system and Specular Microscope and the Optopol range of corneal topographers and the Ziemer Galilei Dual Schleimpflug Analyser.
The Bon CBM Vega Cross Linking System for the treatment of keratoconus has been offers optimal control, security and peace of mind for all Cross Linking procedures.The solid state diode combined with an innovative optical system ensures homogeneous distribution of UVA light across the entire treatment area.
The Optopol PCT-110 corneal topography device is fully automatic. There is no need to manually align the position of the bowl, making measurement simple, faster, and more precise.
The Ziemer Galilei Dual Schleimpflug Analyser is a high precision optical system for three dimensional analysis of the anterior eye segment, combining a Revolving Dual Channel Scheimpflug Camera for precise elevation data and a Placido Disk for high accuracy curvature data.